Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 26...Fell down, But I am back up

Miracle #1... I am alive.

I woke up today and decided to start my session of praise and worship. I did not want to leave my room, so I closed my door and I began. I opened my Bible and read the story of the Vineyard and the Ten Bridesmaids...but it was James 1: 19 -27 that got me. 

James said, "Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry..." This in particular held my interest. I have been told I talk a lot, quite frankly I just have a lot to say. But this can cause me to not listen to what others have to say, because my mind is so filled with thoughts of my own. But what good is that? How can I be my brother's keeper when I don't know what he needs? I have also been feeling surges of anger and frustration, and all that does is cloud my judgement and blinds me. 

You do not see blessings when you focus on anger and frustration. Gratitude has the power to eliminate unwanted negative emotions, but it is an act that needs constant reminders, you cannot simply say you are happy and grateful, you have to work at it.

I am working.

Another line that held me was, "So get rid of the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the message of God." Now, most would believe that the filth and evil referred to in this line are external. But it is within. We cannot eliminate and separate ourselves from every bad thing in this world, we can however work to keep our hearts and souls clean. Those poisonous thoughts we entertain, we should turn our heads from them and look to the grace of God. Look to HEALING.

"For if you listen and do not obey, it is like looking at your face in the mirror but doing nothing to improve your appearance. You see yourself, walk away and forget what you look like." 

What is the point in listening if you do not take care to put into practice what you have heard? Think of this, a friend tells you they do not like it when you call them a particular name because it hurts. You listen and you know, but you continue to call that person that name. What is the point? The words are like bread crumbs, simply falling on the ground, waiting to either be blown away or picked at by birds. So in the same breath, we should listen to the word of God and obey His teachings, practice it. "If you claim to be religious but do not control your tongue, you are just fooling yourself."

It won't be easy but it will be worth it. It won't happen overnight, but little by little practice will begin to become perfect. So LISTEN and OBEY.

Peace be to you.

Advice & Beyond

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