Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year

New Year...

Hey peeps, it has been a while since I placed my fingers on the letter keys and just left my feelings flow, so I figured now is a better time than any.
It is the New Year!!! So happy we could all live to see this year and all the wonders it has to offer. With that said, I like many others have written down the things I want to improve on for this year. I did this not because it is cliche or expected, but because I need to take control of my life and this is the way I know how.

What is the point in living if you don't feel fulfilled and satisfied at the end of the day? Why should the bad days take over and dominate your perspective? This was beginning to consume me, the bad days, the bad feelings, the "I can't be bothered anymore" until I started to lose interest in the things I love. So I decided that with the gift of a new year, I will change this and develop a better and healthier me, both inside and out.

I have included my friends in this as well, because it is always easier to make changes when the people around you allow you to. Growth is easy with support, so I want to be there for them as much as I want them there for me.
So I challenge you my few readers, take the time to put your pen to paper and solidify the commitment to achieve your goals whether big or small, sign it and work towards it. Take the initiative and control your life and well being. Involve your friends, family and spouse because a journey walked together will bring you closer.

Our goal for this year should be healthy well-being!! Inside and Out!!!

    Advice & Beyond...  

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