Sunday, March 2, 2014

New Month, Welcome March!

A new month has started and though I have fallen behind a bit on my 2014 goals, I still feel great about this year. This month will be bitter sweet but it also holds in store for me some new experiences.

I hope to be able to make the best of this gift God has given me and not waste it.

Many of the times we run around with so much to so and so little time. You may have 500 things to do on your To Do List, but still feel empty.  That is because we are so caught up in our own meaningless activities.

We fail to give thanks and praise to God for each moment we have breath. We forget to lift someone up and we are unable to break the habit of dragging people down.

This is a new month, this means we can change our ways. We can learn the practice of 'Thank you'. We can learn to give more and expect less in return. We can dream big and believe God will help to make it come true.

This is the month of Positivity, of joyfulness and peace of mind. Things may not go exactly as planned, you may be tested; but even if you fall do not stay down. Try not to lose sight of your wonderful blessings, do not be bitter BE BETTER.

Thank you for reading.

Advice & Beyond

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