Sunday, March 2, 2014

What Happiness Means To Me - March 4

Happiness needs gratitude. It means a great appreciation for life and all it entails. It is looking beyond the cruelties and knowing that this world has beauty beyond our imagination.

There are many things that make me happy. The little things and the big are 5.

1. Music
        “Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent”
― Victor Hugo
A good song makes me happy...puts me in a place of peace. A song has the ability to evoke in me so many different emotions but the ones that make me happy are the ones that I love most.  A song that makes me think about the people I love, is one that brings me great joy. I mean how can you not love music!

2. Food

Well this is a given if you know me. Food sustains us,  gives our bodies the energy they need to make it through each day.  Eating food gives me great pleasure. I am beyond grateful that I have the provisions to buy food each day. There are soo many persons out there who worry each day about what they are going to eat. They are homeless and broke. So yes! Food makes me happy because I am blessed to be able to enjoy the variety.

3a. Friends
“I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

To have good people in my life who can make me smile and be there for me in the tough times...this makes me happy. I have been blessed with friends who put up with my nonsense and aid me in my growth. They make me realise that even when you feel things aren't going right, they are going somewhere and for a reason. I have made new friends and they give me joy just as much as the old ones. It is truly an honour for me to be able to be a friend and to proudly say I have great friends. Yes,  they frustrate me at times and I doubt their love. But at the end of the day I am reminded and my smile returns in full glow.

3b. My Love - Gibran
Gibran makes me happy in so many ways. He is there for me, he makes me smile and laugh my ass off. He makes me feel loved and cared for. He listens to my cares and concerns, ans he helps to ease my mind. He is a great soul and I am happy to say I love him and he loves me.

"You make my frown turn upside down and now my worries are gone." ― Owl City,  Hot Air Ballon

4. Family
I have a pretty dysfunctional family. I won't hide or deny that. I will say though that I am blessed to have a family and this makes me happy. It makes me eclectic when I think of my grandparents who assumed the responsibility for little me. They took care of me when my mother couldn’t and my father was too selfish to try. I am happy for the blessings to have cousins I can learn from, sisters to share life's trials with. I am happy I was able to know and love a mother so sweet, who sacrifices for her children and always put them first.
Though he was not the best,  I am happy because I have a father who makes me laugh and tells the most way out stories. Family is a gift. I may not have experienced that overprotective brother type thing that most baby girls do, but my brothers have been there for me and helped me. My two little cousins make me happy because I get to see them grow and I am able to help in whatever way possible.

5. GOD
Without the Heavenly Father, I would not have been able to list the above 4/5 things that make me happy. For this simple reason He is my main source of happiness.  He wakes me up in the mornings and gives me the strength to make it through the day. He has blessed me with my basic senses which allow me to experience the awesomeness of His creations. I am elated to know that I am blessed and highly favoured. To know that I have been given a gift and purpose by God, brings me unimaginable joy. He is the greatest source.

So just as the challenge urged me, I urge you to count your blessings. Think of the things that make you happy and write about them. Be grateful. Be happy.

Advice & Beyond

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