Tuesday, February 11, 2014

FEB 2014 Writing Challenge - Day 11

Health Scare...

I have never really had a significant health scare, at least not compared to what others may have experienced. But to keep true to this challenge...Here we go.

I woke up with stomach pains that felt familiar and had me doubled over. I was sweating and needed to use the bathroom. It was no surprise that my period had started. I did my usual clean up and used the bathroom, going to bed expecting to fall asleep. I was wrong.

I tossed and turned and found myself visiting the bathroom to pass my waste more than twice within the hour. I decided to sit in the bathroom, because I was getting exhausted from the back and forth and passing what I didn't have inside me.

I started to feel as if I wanted to vomit, but it would not come. It stayed there, made my stomach upset and my situation worse than it needed to be. After waiting, I felt it. I vomitted and I figured based on the relief I felt, I could go back to bed.

With my back bent, I shuffled back to my room and in my bed, but I found no relief. I was in pain beyond belief and I could barely close my eyes long enough to blink. I conceded with myself and dragged myself down stairs to make myself a cup of tea. 

After I was done, I came back upstairs and straight to the bathroom where I released my bowels once more...I am weaker than I should be right now. I decided to sip the tea I made and take two pills. A little while passed and I felt relief again. I went back to my room and laid on the ground, but the minute I stayed still for a bit, the pains started and I had to move.

I felt as if there was something inside me that needed to get out. I was going to die was my thought, I was not being mellodramatic. My head was ripping apart, I could not stop passing stool and my stomach was falling out of my body. I prayed to God for it to stop, for this to be a normal first day of my period.

Just as I took another sip of my tea and thought it was helping to settle my stomach, I felt the uncontrollable urge to vomit. I tried to get calm and hoped that would ease the feeling, but it didn't so I tried to crawl to the bathroom. 

I did not make it. 

I did feel relief, as if whatever it was that was clawing at me from the inside, was no longer there. I was too weak to move, but I found the strength to call my aunt who found me just as I was about to pass out in my own vomit.

She carried me to bed and gave me a glass of water and I only remember saying Thank God before I would assume I fell asleep.

I would never wish that feeling on anyone. Just the thought that your body was either failing you or fighting itself and hurting you in the process.

But in all things give thanks. It could have been much much worse. Praises on to the Most High.

Advice & Beyond

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