Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Feb 2014 Writing Challenge - Day 5

A day in the life of Me...


It is one of the hardest things for me to get out of bed, but I have work at 7 and I need to get going.  When you take the bus, you have to leave your home earlier than others.  That's me.

Of course because I am tired, my body and mind are trying to find every way to rest. So I end up trying on different clothes and just sit there. I found something though, a pink ruffled top and my black pencil skirt.  To the shower I go. The water is already hot because I turned it on as soon as I woke up.

Here comes the rush. It is all a blur, I just know I got ready, got my breakfast and lunch and was out by about 6:15am. I ended up walking half of the way down the hill. But I got a taxi and a bus pretty quickly and got to work by 6:43am.


I have started my rounds. Calls are coming in a lot but I am managing the best I can. I have to try to keep my spirits high.

I was asked to log into live chat. God thank you because I was getting tired of talking. I feel withdrawn a bit today. I don't know why but it seems appropriate.

Nadine has cake too, black forest and cheese cake. I honestly hope I get a piece of each because I could use a pick up. 


Seems a number of people are in the typing mood today. It is not so bad though. I feel as if I have a lot on my mind but I am trying to sieve through it all. I wish I could be able to curl up and read my book. I started to read The Mortal Instruments again; I am on to book two City of Ashes.

It is strange to me, how in a society of “educated” and “enlightened” beings, we have so many persons who fail to read with understanding and to listen. My gosh I find that I am repeating myself over and over. It is the most frustrating thing, especially when you are typing. Written words don’t just fly away you know. Jeesh!

But as you may have realized, my life is not so exciting. Usually I get some memorable customers, good and bad but not today. But let me not speak too soon.

The trouble being a customer care representative most times, is distinguishing targets made at the self and those made to the company. For me personally, I believe people need to learn how to relate to each other, especially strangers. You make a mark based on how you speak to the person or refer to them. We are told to call the customer’s name as a way of personalizing the customer and making them feel like an individual, but I guess because they are “paying” for a service, they don’t feel the need to respect the agent most times.

But that is my two pence. These are people we are dealing with, on both ends. I am not an inanimate object without feelings. Whether you are referring to me directly or not, speak with respect.


I had a good day at work and now I am home. I have showered and I am doing some work. Trying to sort out the next charity mission for the book club I am apart of. I have been losing my focus and drive but I am getting it back slowly.

I have to push myself, because if I don't, no one else will. I need to make a change somehow. I need to know that I was able to enhance someone else's life some way some how.

Today someone asked me if my blog was popular, and honestly it isn't. I don't need for it to be. Because I am not doing this for likes, I am doing it for personal development and fulfillment. I am doing this so that even if I touch just one person, I did a great deal.

Not much more is gonna happen for me. Just going to watch last night's episode of Being Mary Jane, eat the last half of my muffin and finalize this charity mission.

Thank you to those who read my blog. I appreciate it.

Advice & Beyond

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