Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thinking it through. ..

Sitting here on my day off, I just feel like relaxing. I think my mind needs a break from all the worries it keeps entertaining. I will find peace because it is in my destiny, it is in all our destinies.

I just know that this life will be filled with great things, mostly because I know I am favoured and because I have begun to experience some of these great things.

Life is a beautiful gift, and like anything else it has its ups and downs but essential it is pure greatness. Soon we will be able to listen to the birds as they sing and we will know that joy is around us. We will watch the sun set and we will be sure of the beauty in this world. We will watch the flowers grow and wither and grow again, this will confirm perseverance and purpose. In all aspects of life we can learn an important lesson, we can find the strength and reason to stay positive.

So let us REFUSE to focus on the negative things that lurk around us. Let us not shed our light on them because the minute we do, we give them energy and allow them to take over.

Have a great month and I hope you are able to open your eyes and see your blessings.

Advice & Beyond

Monday, September 23, 2013

GLEE!!!! Season Five (5)

View glee 3.bmp in slide show

With the new season just days away, real fans have been watching the previous season so that everything seems to flow into season 5. I am also done re-watching Season 4 and I have some points and things I am looking for in season 5. 

  •      Joe Hart [ Samuel Larsen ] without his dreads. Will he still have that mysterious, radical Caribbean vibe or will he just be another pretty boy fit for the wanted?View glee larsen.bmp in slide show
  •      The big thing on everyone’s mind, how will Glee be without Cory Monteith [ Finn Hudson ] and how will Lea Michele [ Rachel Berry ] handle it all. I am just on the fence about what is to come for S05E03, which will be dedicated to Finn Hudson. I am expecting trending topic world wide and tears all over.
View glee 6.jpg in slide show
  •      Must admit I am a bit skeptical about this new season as I was always Team Finchel but now it seems life has given me the boot and brought me back to reality, telling me harshly that even in fiction, life doesn't always go as planned.
  •      Heather Morris is with child. How will Ryan fit her in or has she been subtly replaced by the amazing Demi Lovato? Will they just say she is off being smart at some prestigious university or will they say that this time the stork she saw really carried a baby for her? We shall have to wait and see!                                                                                     View glee 4.bmp in slide show
  •      Beatles Tribute; anyone alive and comprehensible should know the Beatles and at least one song. It is always great when the cast tackles legends and classics. I mean think back to Fleetwood Mac, Michael Jackson and the late yet fabulous Whitney Houston. Glee has gone through a lot of songs but I this this Beatles episode will be EPIC!!!!
  •      CatFish Update: What the hell was that with Ryder and Unique? I am still so annoyed and upset. Not only is Ryder not gay and Unique knows this but it is just a twisted thing to toy with someone’s heart in that way. Will Ryder be coming back to the Glee club any ways? I think so because he is in the Glee Beatles promo pics with other Glee members.    
  •      Marley and Jake [ Jarley ]: will they have those testing moments that just lets everyone fall deeply in love with their story. I mean the whole ‘I kissed Ryder’ thing lasted what 5 minutes?! We need those moments that have us screaming and begging for the characters to make up.      

  •      New Faces to the Glee Club? I know we have Demi, but what about Glee Project runner up Ali Stroker who had an appearance at Will and Emma’s failed attempt down the altar. I know there are some people who would like to see an appearance from Glee Project S02 ‘s Allin Bayramoglu.                                                 View glee.bmp in slide show
  •      Seniors or Graduates? Artie, Sam, Blaine, Brittany and Tina? Where did we leave their story. It is weird to know the season ended at Regionals, will we be continuing on to Nationals or will we just find out if they won or not. I cant deal!!!!!! I know one thing is for sure, McKinley will be different because SUE IS PRINCIPAL!!!! 
OH MY! We are all in for a treat! I am so excited that the count down is seriously on. See you next time!

View glee 5.jpg in slide show

Sunday, May 12, 2013


For the last week and a half, I have actively been trying to forget that today is what it is. But when I woke up this morning and saw everyone posting similar statuses or tweets, it finally hit me that I cannot ignore this no more that I can just stop breathing. This day is both sour and sweet for me, and somehow I lost touch of the sweet and decided to forget it because of the sour. I lost my mother as most may know, so Mother's day is not a very good day for me. It is actually strange how much my heart still aches after all this time, but it does.

However, today I decided to speak to the women who have been a mother to me when I needed it most, and who most likely will continue to do so.

My Aunts: Donna and Helen Daley, these women have been there for me, doing things a mother and father are required to do. They have provided for me, given me advice and have given me so much to be grateful for. I love you both and to you I say, 'HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY'!

My Grandmother: one of the greatest gifts God has given me. When I was young and even now, we had ups and downs and I never realised at the time how blessed I was, but I know now, and I am so glad that she is still here in my life.

Kameil: She may be my cousin, but she has been there. She has also been my adviser, she has been my protector and she has taught me many things. Added to that she is a mother (lol).

All these women in my life and I love them so. Of course there are others who have aided my growth, and I thank them as well. I will never forget my mother, even when her voice seems to fade from my memory, but I am more than grateful to the Heavenly Father for the persons he has strategically placed in my life to cushion the blow of losing someone so special.

So today I will try to smile through the aches and pains, for I am blessed and highly favoured.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

How Will She Ever Keep This a Secret? Part 6

When we lose something valuable, we can’t help but thinking of what we could do to get it back, we can’t help but thinking how much it contributed to our lives. We become stuck in this place of wishful thinking, regret and guilt. We want to move forward, we want to break free but we can’t. We are simply stuck.

As he came in the room she noticed him dressed in a suit and she immediately smiled, “What’s the occasion?” her smile slowly faded as he started to explain to her that he wants her to accompany him to church. Her voice trembled and beads of sweat decided to make their debut. She was in total shock at what he proposed but suddenly she felt so much more for him in that very moment. She knew.

It is always hard to go through the pain of losing something, someone or any trial. It isn't easy because not everything is. But as humans we live a very complicated life, but a life with hope, joy and peace just as much as the other bad things we can’t let go of. Every day we wake up, we go into the world holding on to things, some good and some not so good. Every day we punish ourselves holding on to all this pain, instead of leaving it at the feet of God. We hold on to these things that make us stuck, things that keep us from moving on in FAITH. Conflict will arise, Controversy will arise, and hard times will arise, but to deal with that, we all need courage and faith in God. We have to be strong enough to cry not without hope, but in good faith. We have to be strong enough to leave it at His feet and live life the way we ought. No we are not saying forget your sorrow, we are saying take the first step required to move on. Be honest with yourself and God. Find the strength! Find the strength in God!”

She sat there not realizing the tears and the warm hand on her shoulder. She sobs as she holds on to her center. She holds close the place that was once a home for another life. She holds close the place that is now haunted by life lost. She holds close the place she feels ruined her. In that moment she admitted the truth, she has been blaming herself all along and it was time to LET IT GO. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Take Control of Your Own Happiness

Today I decided to flip throw the channels on the TV because I was too lazy to go and make breakfast; any who I came upon a Joel Osteen program and his topic for the program was 'Take control of your own Happiness'

Let me tell you, I have been thinking on this all day because it is so strange how happiness is simple to repeat each day but we don't or can't and just end up miserable or surface happy. So Joel spoke about four (4) types of people that may exist in our lives and how they can help to determine the quality of our lives.

1. There is the Lifter; these persons, just by being themselves, make you feel light, they allow you to feel happy and you leave their presence feeling refreshed.

2. There is also the Thruster; these persons motivate you through their words and also just by being themselves. They make you feel ready to conquer your dreams and your day.

3. There are the Weights; these persons constantly expect you to share the burden of their never ending sadness and negativity. They never uplift you; in fact they constantly weigh you down.

4. Lastly, there are the Drags; they also with negativity drag you down when you are soaring and you feel happy. With their words they drag you lower and lower into the pit of their sadness and they wish to keep you there. As they say "misery loves company".

As I listened to Joel, not in the exact words, explain these persons I was immediately able to sort the people I know into these categories and I instantly felt a need to cry. I thought to myself, who am I for the people around me; just as much as I thought about them.  He went on to say that we should try to be around Lifters and Thrusters because they will give you the allowance to meet your destiny and the greatness you are meant to. Weights and Drags, unfortunately, keep you stuck and you are so consumed in trying to make them happy and to please them that you ignore your purpose. I thought of people who not only drag or weigh me down with sadness and negativity; but I also considered those I feel so low about because of their blatant indifference.

I am grateful however for the people who have aided me thus far in my life; for those people who were there for me even when it got too rough. It is funny how the small things people do and don't do can immediately result in them falling into a category. I will never forget the moment I knew that there are some persons I just can't count on to be there during the rough stuff and those that I can. That I will save for another time when I feel stronger and can therefore handle being vulnerable.

Well, I really thought I'd share this with you guys because we all need to think about this, we have to evaluate the people we have in our space and what we are allowing them to feed our spirits. We have to also be mindful of how we treat others and what we feed them as well. But until you have figured it all out, before you go out in the morning fill yourself with motivation and positivity. Affirm each day, hour and minute the goodness you need to and constantly give thanks for who and where you are.


Friday, April 19, 2013



I really don’t know how I met you and how we became friends but somehow I feel it’s not necessary because you feel like someone I have known for some time. I know that you are fun, crazy and real! I know that what I hear from you is the truth and you have my best interest at heart.

So yes I am more than glad that God brought you and kept you in this world and I pray He keeps you for many more and you are able to live happily and peacefully. You, De-Ann Kelly Rowe are TITANIUM! You are beautiful, talented, opinionated and a blessing from up above. You are a wife, sister, daughter, friend and a mother. You have been blessed with so much in life and I know more is ready to come.

I hope we rock out tonight and you enjoy the beginning of a new year of life. I wish you all the best and I hope that while we walk the road of life, we can walk it in each other’s company. Hope that wasn't too homo :p :D

Friday, April 12, 2013

Glee…Shooting Stars

Glee…Shooting Stars

Let me just say that this episode was just simply great…you could feel each moment and the emotions that filled it. I wouldn't have called this episode ‘shooting stars’, but ‘Last Chance’.

1.       Cat-fishing: From what I have read, this is a high form of deception because people spend time getting another person to trust them, only to turn out being fake. I really feel it for Ryder because he has obviously invested himself in this on line relationship. I love the way Glee speaks to things that actually happen to people, even if it is not the majority. I have some predictions as to who ‘Katie’ is but its best I not share that.
2.       The shooting…wooow is all I can say. I was standing in front of my TV in awe. I was afraid to breathe because something may happen. In all of it, I was most connected to Brittany and Sam, that moment when Mr. Shue had to cover Sam’s mouth…and Brittany in the bathroom silently crying because none of them know what’s coming. They were literally waiting for salvation, or death. A big thumb up to Heather Morris, I could feel the fear and the anxiety of the unknown in her acting, she was flawless and I really loved how her scene was shot. Brilliant.

3.       Ryder again! My, my, my, that phone ringing inside the choir room that was a twist. But I was upset with Ryder for not turning off the phone before, what if there was someone out there really hurting someone?
4.       Sue: What Sue did for Becky was such a brave and selfless move, Becky wouldn't be able to live that down. You could feel her fear. From what I have heard and read, schools in America are not easy, bullying is so rampant there that there are too many stories to follow. I understand the fear that Becky felt, even if she is a cheerleader, she knows she doesn't ‘fit in’ and that scares her because the world may not be so welcoming. I do believe though that she had that gun before she talked to Brittany.
5.       The music: OF COURSE, LOVED IT! I always love when Sam takes up his guitar and gets to singing, it opens my mind and heart and gives me perspective. Very good Ryan, this show is just…speechless
I know there are some persons who believe that it was unethical for the writers of Glee to do an episode which includes shooting in schools, but I don’t agree. Glee has always been about the controversy and touching on sensitive topics. There are authors who have written about shooting in schools and they did not get such scrutiny. I believe it was an insightful episode which I am glad ended with no one hurt. This is a part of reality; in Jamaica it is stabbing in schools or jungle justice and physical abuse. Someone needs to address the tough topics that are what they did yesterday. Loved this episode almost as much as I loved how the writers of One Tree Hill addressed the topic.

All in all I loved that episode because it was really about holding on to every moment you have because you never know when it will be your last. Show the people around you that you love and care for them. Open yourself to the possibilities of life and forget this living behind a wall idea. Because in the end “it’s better to say too much, then never to say what you need to say again’ – John Mayer, Say (Covered by Glee Cast)

How Will She Ever Keep This a Secret? Part 5

"Babe! Hun, open your eyes!" But he knows, he feels it, she won't open her eyes because she is losing, she is falling apart. "Honey please, fight this, don't let the music end." For a moment he is there, crying silently in dismay, in relief, in utter confusion. Then she opens her eyes, 'I'm trying...' Those words lifted him through the clouds; he knew there and then that they are going to make it.

As she lies on the bed, she finds herself spilling to him all she has been hiding. She shows him her chest and he falls, how could he have been so blind? Is it that he saw and knew but felt it best to pretend not to? She holds his head but it's not the same, it is distant, not comforting...he can't fix this alone.

"How can you love someone and hate them so much? Is that possible? He hurts me to the core when I see him...I am unable to be, think or even breathe. But the moment he looks up I remember the brightness that shun within him, I remember the way his words made me dance. This was not his fault, he did not do this neither did he want this...but somehow he is the only person standing here with blood stains still on his hand. His fingers are marked in my back and on my stomach...he is the one. Tortured inside me, I still feel his being…He listens and watches me as I slip through the cracks of what use to be. He takes the burden of my shell and he decides to carry it...he sees the remnants of what use to be on my skin, but he knows we will get through this...for better, not worse.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Short Sunday Journey

Ever since I have been living with my Aunt, I only walk down the hill to the bus stop or pass places in a car. Today I woke up with so much on my mind, my life, my future, my mother, my relationship and most importantly My relationship with God. So I decided to take a walk and I never knew how relaxing that walk in the sun would have been. It opened my eyes to a few realizations;
                   1. There is peace in solitude: When I did my personality test, it said I need serious time alone to keep myself together, but I never knew the full meaning until I took that walk. I was walking with my headphones and it was just me and music praising God. I didn’t feel alone, or like I wanted company, I simply felt right. No matter the stares I got from people passing in their cars, I felt right.
                    2. There is a comfort in having a purpose. I knew where I was going and why I was on that journey, and it put me at ease, especially when I did what I wanted to do. There is so much anxiety in uncertainty and sometimes we need to be certain of what we are doing, why we are doing it and how we will achieve it. It is not an easy thing to achieve but even in the little things, it brings great comfort. My purpose was to walk and try to clear my head and that is what I did.
            3. There is joy in the creation of God. The trees, the flowers, the birds and the sun were all putting on a show for me today. I even saw a make shift waterfall, and thought it was simply a broken pipe, I stood there in awe of the beauty of this world. I have serious anxiety issues that I don’t share with most. I believe that is why I feel my emotions to such a degree. My hands sweat and my fingers swell when I am unable to release that emotion, it eats at me. I believe that I have been walking around with a lot of unreleased emotions and feelings and it broke me.
I wanted to go to church this morning, and I could never say that the walk was way better, but it helped me to find some amount of stillness in my mind. I was able to remember my reason for doing what I am doing at school and at work. I was able to breathe and accept that holding back on how I feel does not help any relationship I am in, when my lack of expression changes how I am towards that person. I was able to appreciate the little life I have and get my thoughts back on how to make the lives of others just a bit more bearable. 
I never expected what I got today, but I am very happy I did.
Until next time….

Soundtrack of My Life

For the past month, almost every morning I get up and right before bed; I listen to I Wont Give Up sung by Lea Michelle in Glee.
I choose this song as my second song on my soundtrack because it describes exactly how I feel right now. I know the song may seem like one for a couple but I sing every word to myself in the shower and the mirror. 
My favourite line is, ’ We've got a lot to learn and God knows we’re worth it. No I won’t give up.’ Lately I have been in a tough place, crying or just withdrawing and I honestly feel as if things have not been this rough for me emotionally. I am feeling mourning and worry in a great degree, I worry I am becoming depressed, but I refuse. I rebuke this sadness in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray for peace of mind and heart. 
Sadness is not a great feeling though necessary. I hate feeling alone and misunderstood, I hate feeling like there is a cloud following me every where I go. I want to live my life to the fullest and leave my mark on this world and I won’t give up. I most definitely won’t.
It’s funny because today Patrice asked me if anyone ever told me I have an old soul; and in this song, Lea sings of herself as a star that has been through so much and just won’t give up. That is me. A star who has experienced pain, sorrow, happiness and excitement. I have been loved, hated, used and abused. I have been the counselor  and the patient. I am not 50 years old, I am 21 years of age and I know I have a lot more experiencing to go through. I have a lot more lessons to learn and bridges to burn. I am changing and growing everyday I wake and breathe. I won’t give up. When the going gets rough and tough, I will not give up.

Why do dreams feel so real?

Why do dreams feel so real?

As I run down the street I notice her, she is dressed in full white and her hair is flowing beyond her waist. She looks at me but as I wave she turns away. I scream! I shout! I cry. But nothing, she was gone, just like that.
That’s a dream i woke up from with tears flowing from my eyes…I didn't know the meaning or why I would have that dream more than once.
They say if and when you are able to understand your dream, you have the power to unify your soul, mind and spirit.
I dream about her, sometimes good, sometimes bad. I wake up angry, lost, broken, empty and pale. She left. She won’t ever come back and that hurts… I look at others and wish I could have that moment just one more time, that she would see me across the street and wave back, that she would walk over and hug me and tell me she loves me. I wait, I dream, I hope.
I remember her, but I’m losing her voice, her smell and her essence. I’m forgetting how her hug made me feel, I’m forgetting the power in her words. I miss her and I doubt I will ever be able to go through life and not wish she was here. I look for a family, I wish for the chance to love my children the way she loved me. I know if she was here life would be much easier….

How will she keep it a secret? Part 4

How will she keep it a secret? Part 4

She sits in the shower wondering if she made the right decision letting Alicia know what happened, the way she stared, the way she seemed to mourn the lost of someone she once knew.
He enters slowly and looks around the restaurant he ponders should he just go to a table or the bar when he sees her, a smile that seemed to make his heart soar. He walked over to her and she looked at him and suddenly they knew, this will be forever. “Hello.” She says nervously as her friends sit puzzled because they never knew of her having a boyfriend. “Hi, I just came in and I saw you and I know it may sound corny but there was no way I could leave without at least hearing your voice.” She smiled and again he wasn't able to feel his heart beat but he knew he didn't need to, because she had it and it was safe.
“I have always searched for a reason to believe that there was hope for tomorrow, never did I expect I would find the answer in a woman’s smile. The way you seem to make me better by just being here is incredible. When I make mistakes they don’t seem fatalistic because you make me feel I can fix it. I touch your chest and I feel you heart beat and I know if that song ends, I will lose the ability to be. I stand here with you today promising with every fiber of my being that I will love you, care for you, cherish you and protect you. I pledge my heart to you my love and every day I have left.”
She runs into the bedroom and kisses him softly, he moves, she sighs with relief. “Wake up honey, its really important.” He opens his eyes and there she was radiating before him, he knows instantly it’s going to be a good day. He holds her, kisses her and listens to her give him the most exciting news. She waits for a response and she nervously bites her fingernails. He says yes. This would mark the beginning of the best and worse 6 years of their lives.
She hears the car pulling up and she wipes her eyes and enters the shower. “Babe! I got Chinese so I hope you’re hungry.” He waits. He waits. As he races up the stairs he knows she has broken. He breaks down the door and pulls the shower curtain and sees her curled up on the stoned shower floor and he holds her, kisses her and her tears seem to sizzle when they touch his skin. He knows its happened again and this time she won’t be coming back.

How will she keep this a secret? Part 3

How will she keep this a secret? Part 3

“You come here every week and I show you this picture. Each week you breakdown and I wish I knew why the person in this picture makes you cry so much. You literally fall apart in front of me and I want to know if you are ready to talk to me about what happened, are you?” She nods.
“I try to breathe but its too hard. How many times have I lived through this moment? How can I ever show anyone how much he has robbed me of something I never knew he possibly could? I look into her eyes and I know once she knows she won’t see me in the same light, so I run.”
She left. Just like all the times before, she runs because dealing with what happened is much harder than losing progress. She doesn’t know how to live, how to move forward, she doesn’t even know how to look at herself without feeling her insides crawling to her throat and stifling their way through her. She left, but she’ll be back.
“I lay in bed and wonder how I function. I hear my phone ringing and as I pray for the strength not to answer I still do. Its my best friend, she’s worried because I didn’t come back to the office today. What else could I do but apologize and invite her over. I feel the need to let her know I’m fading and that my heartbeat is too faint to recognize. I’m ready to tell her that I have lost many pieces of me and I will never get them back as they are buried in a place no one can find. I fall to the ground and I weep, not for what has happened to me but because I can already see how her eyes will gaze over my body, searching for the scars I have successfully masked. She’ll look into my eyes for the dust and the stone because she’ll know my walls are no more, she’ll know like no one else, the agony I have endured as I tried to be there for her. She’ll know how being in the profession I am is like pulling out a tooth from my mouth each day. But how will I start and will I ever be able to finish this alive? Could it be that the wall that shields my pain is the same fortress that holds my soul together?”
As Alicia arrives, she looks through the window. She reaches under the bed for the chest that lays there and she struggles to place it on the bed.
She opens the chest and Alicia looks with nervous wonder as she sees someone new before her, someone so torn it hurts to stare at her. She sees a dress, she sees the blood and she knows instantly, she won’t be able to see her best friend for a while… Maybe she was never really there all this time.

How will she ever keep this a secret? Part 2

How will she ever keep this a secret? Part 2

“I have woken up yet another morning, my tears almost drowned me; the pain that’s in my heart is enough to bring the storms and crack the earth. When you try to hold close to an idea that keeps slipping away, you start to wonder what’s the point in climbing through a landslide? I can’t stop the feeling, I can’t seem to get out of this skin that holds me to this devastating place. I can’t seem to fix this loop that has been going for far too long. I can’t seem to forgive my heart for this feeling and my mind for its inefficiency to mend.”
She runs to the bathroom to expel, she prays one day she is able to rid herself of the misery inside her that never seems to end. She hopes, but its never enough because she can never truly believe again.
She tries to stay alive so she breathes, she struggles and she muddles through. Will she be able to put her skin on right side today? Will they see what she has to cover up? Will someone look in her eyes and see the hurt beneath the curtains that only the rain can reveal?
She takes a step forward and turns the knob… Today marks the fourth year since she has started seeing Dr. Watkis for the pain she has been feeling, of course no one knows where she goes every week… She has never gone further than ‘Hello’. She keeps paying for these sessions not because she gets to talk about the horrible truth she carries on her back each day, but because she is able to cry, sigh and simply scream and know she’s not alone. Never will she allow herself to admit why she is here and the fear that she doesn’t believe she’ll ever be able to stop.
She sits on the couch and Dr. Watkis pulls out a picture. She stares; “How did she get that?” She looks. “Oh my God!” She weeps and her pain seems to turn the walls gray and the sky opens up and the cyclone begins. The wind howls for her, the trees shed their beauty because of her, even the birds seem to be mute around her. “Someone knows.”

How will she ever keep this a secret?… Part 1

How will she ever keep this a secret?… Part 1

      She stops in front of the mirror, she stares. She spins around. She frowns and starts to cry. Its a routine that could never be broken; she sees her face and is blinded by that night. She laughs and hears her piercing cries. How can she get pass this? They see her moving along and think she has it all together, but if they ever found out what she’s hiding beneath the smiles and the glitter; if one of them ever decided to stop and ask her that simple question, they would open Pandora’s box.
      Hot breath scorching her neck, hands that seem to burn straight through her skin. She feels the tears, she feels the aching. She hears her whimpers but she is not there, she doesn’t know the girl that she hears. How can she ever get passed this?
      “Hey!” She tries not to be afraid as she slowly turns to greet the voice that crept up behind her, she catches a glimpse of her best friend and breathes a sigh of relief. “Hi” she says, trying to be normal but she knows, she sees the look. Soon everyone will know, soon they will figure out what she has been trying too hard to hide. They will see it as if it were a mark on her face, a stain no detergent can ever remove or even fade. How much longer can she pretend? Will they ever figure it out? Will you?

Love you….

Love you….

I know sometimes when you see yourself
that u see yourself as someone not good enough
I know sometimes when you feel like you can do nothing right
and insecurity takes a hold
obscures your vision of your soul
you can’t see what’s inside
open up your eyes

take a look in the mirror, you’re beautiful
take a moment to love the one you are
learn to accept yourself
cause it’s the truth

Why is it so hard for teens or people on a hold to look in the mirror and not see a fault….why can’t we love God’s beautiful creation???? just as we love the sunset and the flowers and the ocean…so we can love ourselves….low self esteem is rampant now among our youths…some are able to hide it while others aren’t….I pray that one day we can love ourselves entirely and then we will be able to love others…think about it, if we find so much faults in ourselves what about others? what do we see in them?? that’s why gossip is going to always exist…. It’s not new and it would get old. Its something I feel and something I know too many people feel. There’s a light in everyone and when you can’t find it and embrace, someone else may treat you like the darkness you believe yourself to be, or if you’re lucky they’ll find it and show it to you.


Learn to say what you mean…

People aren’t able to read your mind. Maybe there are some special people who can sense emotions, and if the movies are right, some persons can read minds. But that gift is rare. A mundane person is unable to know exactly what you are thinking. They can guess, based on the nature of the relationship, but they won’t always be right or perfectly accurate.
You can’t expect your partner or friend to know what you mean when you say the exact opposite. ‘No I’m fine you can go to the party.’ When what you really mean is ‘Yes, I don’t want you to go to the party.’
Some people are unable to get their thoughts out and get them out effectively, this is something the psycho-sociological world has considered and has come up with different tips to consider.
  • Be clear in what you say: Ambiguity leads to assumptions that can end up hurting the relationship more than you know. 
  • Freedom of speech and expression: You have a right to say how you feel, however some things need to be filtered. Remember that context and tone is very important in expressing yourself, especially when it is something serious and may cause tension. Be careful not to say everything that comes to your head, or if so, know how to say it to reduce defensiveness.
  • Emotional Awareness: What you feel can affect what you say more than what you think. It can also affect the way we respond to another person and our ability to understand what they have to say. Be aware of how you feel and express that, but also remember to make a conscious effect to not let it cloud your vision.
  • Listen: People need to feel heard and understood. In the same way that you feel compelled to express your thoughts and feelings, the person you are talking to will want to do the same. Ensure that your partner feels comfortable to express him/herself. Be sure to listen actively to what he/she has to say. It can affect the relationship greatly when a partner feels as if they are always the listener, but never the one being listened to.
Relationships are tough. They are tricky, but they are amazing. You can’t also predict or control a person’s reaction; but what you can do, is ensure you do the best you can, to prevent the worse ones.

Hope is right around the corner…..

Hope is right around the corner…..

When you keep your feelings inside, who does it help? Does it help the person who they are directed to? Does it help you? Suppression only causes you to feel as if you are dying slowly, as if the world no longer makes sense and no one understands you. But really, you are the one who is stopping the world from knowing you. You build up walls so high and no thick that nothing can penetrate, and you side, curled up in the furthest corner, and you weep and everyone weeps with you because that, they can feel.
You open your eyes each afternoon and you cry, wishing you didn’t have to, wishing the pain was over. It’s not. It sits on you like a sumo wrestler, never easing, never shifting, constantly pressuring. You try to find someone to help to ease the hurt, but no one is ever there at the right time, to you anyways. You just continue to bear the burden of a scar so deep, yet unseen. 
When will you realize that slowly, you are losing color, essence, and meaning? When will you realize that life is passing you by, drifting in the ocean like the picture you tried to wash away? He’ll never return. Never will you smell that passing scent; never will you hear that fading laugh. It just won’t happen. This is truth. This is fact. This is death.
Tomorrow will come, but you won’t know. For you it is still 2007, it is still that Sunday afternoon when the sky was at its darkest. For you, light is absent even when it’s fluorescent. For you the music is mute even when it’s raving. For you hope it lost, even when it’s right beside you.
Hope is here. One day you will open your eyes in the morning, and you will smile. You will look out the window and you will see the colours of love and joy. You will see life. You will see redemption. You will see that it is not lost, that it was just hidden. You will smell that passing scent, you will hear that fading laughter and you will smile. You will be able to move on. You will be able to breathe.
This is Hope. This is Salvation. This. Is. LIFE!

Conflict? Deal with it.

Arguments are exhausting and sometimes go NOWHERE. It’s a constant table tennis match, with the ball going back and forth until someone loses. But really? We’re human beings, shouldn’t we be better able to reason and compromise?
I was so happy when I went to class one day and realized we were discussing conflict and methods of dealing with it. I hate arguing, but I always prided myself in knowing how to express myself and my points. Oh boy did I learn that I was wrong. As the class went on I realized that I was sometimes smothering with my opinions even though most of the times it’s just because I care.
Unresolved situations make me very uneasy, they affect me greatly, sometimes makes me lose sleep and I was elated when we started to talk about the Pillow Talk Method. It’s a creative way of breaking down an issue and getting everyone’s point out. It gives a voice to someone who may otherwise feel unheard and it creates a balance.
Sooo, I am going to share my own experience and how I sort of used this method to help me with the matter at hand.
I was having a conversation with my boyfriend about the fact that I don’t like that every time I am at school and he comes to see me, he is with this one girl in particular, * please bear in mind I don’t believe he likes her but I do hold strongly the thought that she is wildly infatuated with him*. I told him that I don’t see why they spend so much time together; his reply was they are in all the same courses and groups for assignments so they work together. Also that he doesn’t like her in that way so even if she likes him nothing would happen, because it’s strictly about school.
Step 1: I am right and he is wrong…  I go to work 5 days per week, 3 of those days being school days and as a result I don’t see him as often as I use to; so I don’t think that there should be a shadow around him constantly stepping in our way and cutting our conversations short because that can put an even heavier strain on our relationship. He doesn’t see this and that makes him wrong.
Step 2: He is right and I am wrong… He stated that he has never given me the impression that he would be unfaithful. Also only reason she is around him is because most times when he comes to me, he is on his way to a group meeting or to finish an assignment.  I may have been overreacting and letting my emotions get the better of me in the situation.
Step 3: We’re both right and we’re both wrong… His school work is very important and so is our relationship, we do need to spend more time together because with working on weekends; there is no real lengthy time to sit and talk about all that’s on our minds. However, he is working to achieve a goal and if he doesn’t it will have a greater impact on him, so if he needs to study or finish an assignment I should be able to accept that. He should realize that we need time together, but I should also realize the importance of his work and that that’s all it is.
Step 4: The problem is not as important as it seems… Ok I must admit that this is where I am unable to see how it is that the problem is not important and this is something that I am still working on. I think anything that can affect a relationship is important, but I will try to figure how to be able to use this method in its entirety in my relationship with my boyfriend, friends, family and co-workers. The only thing I could come up with is that just because I think she likes him, doesn’t mean something will happen between them. Also, our relationship should be strong enough to handle a struggle in face-to-face conversation.
 I believe this method will not only help the relationship to grow, but it helps the individuals. You will be able to step outside of yourself and understand someone else. So next time you find yourself in an argument so big, it’s hard to settle; try this method.
You can write your views and allow the other person or persons to do the same. Then you can read it out loud and try to find some common ground.

Until next time… Thanks for reading!!

Talk about it…

So I have a problem and most of my blogs are finding solutions to my problems, that’s until people give me the go ahead to use theirs. Okay, let me stop making hints at my friends.
Okay the problem is this; I have a problem with knowing exactly what to say in an argument, to make it civil. I tend to attack the person and from what I have read, that is one of the biggest no nos. I also don’t express my feelings very well, for fear of sounding selfish and vulnerable, but this is actually a good thing. What I am going to do is use these methods I learnt to show the best way to express how you feel in a situation of conflict.
The situation is this, ‘My father has a very nasty tendency where he drinks a lot, steals from me and neglects everyone including himself. I have always tried to talk to him about it, as well as other family members and friends, but he just ends up getting defensive and walking away.’
We will now use what is called ‘The Assertive Message Format’ to adequately express to my father our thoughts on his behavior.
  •   First step is Behaviorthis is where you basically explain the behavior that has been bothering you. Ensure to be as objective as possible, describe the event or action without interpreting it. Below is an example, using the situation, of how to do it.
“Daddy, lately you have been drinking a lot. As well as I have seen you in my room going through my drawers and when I go in right after you, money is missing. Last week, you were at home alone with the grandparents and they said they didn’t have anything to eat for one whole day.”
  •   The second step is Interpretation; this is where you describe the meaning you have attached to the persons behavior, this is now more subjective. What I notice with this is, try not to attack who the person is, like calling them selfish or a bitch. Just explain what you got from how the person has been behaving. It may very well be that the person has been behaving selfish, but ensure to place things like ‘I feel’ or ‘I think’. When the interpretation is linked to the behavior, people won’t feel so attacked.
“Maybe you forgot to ask me for the money that went missing, or maybe I thought it was there and it wasn’t. Also, you must have thought that someone was at home with grandma and grandpa, or you made plans before and we forgot.”
  •    The third step is Feeling; this is something that some people may overuse or underuse. It is important to note that some statement may seem as if they are expressing feeling when they really aren’t. Self-disclosure is important in a strong relationship, and it entails expressing feeling. Remember, it’s perfectly legitimate to express your thoughts and feelings, but it’s important to label them as such.
 “Daddy, I honestly feel embarrassed and disappointed when you drink so much. It makes you seem reckless and without care. When I realized my money was gone, I felt so hurt and betrayed by you. Also, I felt worried when I found out that my grandparents weren’t fed.”
  •     The fourth step is Consequence; after you have described the behavior, your interpretation and how you feel, it is time to show the person the possible consequence of what they did or didn’t do. It also serves to help them understand why their behavior bothers you so much. These consequences can be any of these three, or all if applicable; 
  (i) What happens to you, the speaker; “When you steal my money, it can leave me without lunch or bus fare. I may not be able to go to school or work because I have no money to get there.”
 (ii) What happens to the person you’re addressing“When you drink a lot, you can get very sick and end up in the hospital, especially since you got shot and a bullet is still inside you. Drinking too much can also impair your judgments and as a father and a construction supervisor, you need to be aware.”
  (iii) What happens to others; “Grandma and grandpa could have gotten very ill, also being alone in the house, something could have happened and they could have died or be severely damaged. Daddy, when you drink and then you have to drink home, you can end up in a car accident, and though you may not get hurt, think about the person that may be walking by, or driving, they can die or get seriously injured.”
  • The final step is Intentionthis can also be broken down.
 (i) Where you stand on an issue“I just want you to know how much it bothers me when you do these things.”
(ii) Request of others; not applicable here, but it can be something like, ‘I just like to know when this is going to happen.’
(iii) Description of how you plan to act in the future‘If you drink that much again, I will not be helping you to clean after yourself. When you ask me for money, I won’t give it to you if you continue to take it without my permission.”
So that is the format that you can use, if it is a problem that more than one person have, then each person can write it down. This is a perfect format for interventions as well. Remember, that it doesn’t have to be presented in the specific order, but ensure you get all of this out, it’s important for you and the person you are addressing. Also remember to take you time in delivering the message, just because you have a format doesn’t mean all is well. You have to be mindful of tone, use of words and non-verbal cues. People will always be defensive, even when you use every method ever taught, just be sure you do it right.

Until next time, when we talk a little more on expressing yourself, but more so with defensiveness

Should they constantly pay?

Today I watched a movie based on a book I read, Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult. It really had me thinking about my view on the issue of sex offenders. After serving time in jail, sex offenders have to register themselves in whatever county or place they are planning on living. What that means is that, every person in that community will know that he/she is a sex offender.
Upon initial registration, offenders must provide the police with the following information:
  • Full name
  • Home address
  • Date of birth
  • National Insurance number
  • Vehicle details (if the offender has a vehicle): make, model, colour and registration number of vehicle(s)
Offenders must inform the police within 3 days if there are any changes in their name, address or vehicle details.
What do you think of all this?
I am quite torn, if I had a child, I would want to protect him or her from anything, especially something like that. I would want to know that there is someone around him/her everyday that was once convicted for harming a child. I would want to know everything.
But is it fair to constantly hold the sins a person committed over their heads? Yes there are persons who will always have that urge to harm a child, they won’t be able to fight it because they don’t want to. They will constantly look at a child and see a target. But what about persons who are not that way? Do they deserve to go through each day, being judged, watched sometimes even tortured for what they did. They served time, they paid their dues, who are we to now attack them constantly? Do we not commit a sin everyday?
Its easy to say they deserve to be punished, or they deserve to lead a normal life, but is it that easy when its very close to home? What about the hurt that that child will face everyday? The effects that the disturbance may have caused? What about the countless nights that they were up screaming, fearing it may happen again? Is that cancelled out by years in prison? Is that cancelled out by acts of community service? Or is this man or woman expected to be tortured each day?
Are we God? Do we get to judge and punish? 
You can never torture a person worse than they torture themselves. Also there is a small thing called Self- fulfilling prophecy, people will eventually become who they are constantly told they will be. Do you believe this? I do to some extent. But like many things in this world, its not as black and white as it seems. Somethings are so complex and controversial, it is hard to know what is right.  Was life always like this? Were things ever easier?
Do I pose the question again, do you believe a sex offender who has spent more than a year in jail for his or her offenses, should register him/herself to the nearest police station? Should it be known to each member of the community that John Doe or Jane Doe is a sex offender?

August 16th…

Okay, so I woke up this morning, late might I add, and I just felt an overwhelming feeling of isolation. I didn’t feel the need to talk to anyone, to have anyone ask me anything, I just wanted to lay in bed and be with myself.
I have had this feeling for a while, I just don’t know what to do. At first I thought it was because I had work and school, then I thought it was because of work. Now, I just don’t know what to think. I don’t talk to people as much as I use to, I feel the urge but I just don’t. I don’t know what to say, the jokes aren’t as funny as they were before. I just don’t know.
I find that I submerge myself in work. I have been fixated on the book club and other aspects of life. I do not look forward to social interaction anymore.
Good news? I have a line of social events to attend. There is a possible games night or beach outing, dinner and then movies with my sisters. I hope these events will bring out the me I have been losing. I hope I will be able to just be.

Hanging on…

So after watching So You Think You Can Dance yesterday, I have been listening to ‘Hanging on’ by Active Child alot. It had me thinking though… when do we really know to let go and when do we keep hanging on?
A relationship is on the rocks and you have to make a decision, do you continue to fight a battle constantly lost? Do you just decide that enough is enough?
There are some things that I would consider. Things like is he fighting just as hard as I am? Does he love me? Do I love him? Am I doing this because I believe it can work? Or am I just afraid of what will happen when it doesn’t?
Every relationship has its own struggles, some harder than others, but it is up to you and your partner to decide that this is worth it. If its bigger than you think, seek outside help. Therapy is not for the mentally insane or the weak, its for people who are brave enough to realize they need help.
If the relationship means that much to you, you will fight. Sometimes its hard to know when enough is enough, but it will come. Just ensure that in all the struggles, you are able to look at that person and love them, just as they are able to do to u. A relationship isn’t a one woman or one man show, so don’t hold on because you don’t like to fail, or because he/she loves you. You do no one any favours by piting them. Remember that.
Anywho, that was just my little bit, I hope I haven’t offended anyone, just in the mood to write about something. Also, I wasn’t really prepared so it may not be perfect.