Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hope is right around the corner…..

Hope is right around the corner…..

When you keep your feelings inside, who does it help? Does it help the person who they are directed to? Does it help you? Suppression only causes you to feel as if you are dying slowly, as if the world no longer makes sense and no one understands you. But really, you are the one who is stopping the world from knowing you. You build up walls so high and no thick that nothing can penetrate, and you side, curled up in the furthest corner, and you weep and everyone weeps with you because that, they can feel.
You open your eyes each afternoon and you cry, wishing you didn’t have to, wishing the pain was over. It’s not. It sits on you like a sumo wrestler, never easing, never shifting, constantly pressuring. You try to find someone to help to ease the hurt, but no one is ever there at the right time, to you anyways. You just continue to bear the burden of a scar so deep, yet unseen. 
When will you realize that slowly, you are losing color, essence, and meaning? When will you realize that life is passing you by, drifting in the ocean like the picture you tried to wash away? He’ll never return. Never will you smell that passing scent; never will you hear that fading laugh. It just won’t happen. This is truth. This is fact. This is death.
Tomorrow will come, but you won’t know. For you it is still 2007, it is still that Sunday afternoon when the sky was at its darkest. For you, light is absent even when it’s fluorescent. For you the music is mute even when it’s raving. For you hope it lost, even when it’s right beside you.
Hope is here. One day you will open your eyes in the morning, and you will smile. You will look out the window and you will see the colours of love and joy. You will see life. You will see redemption. You will see that it is not lost, that it was just hidden. You will smell that passing scent, you will hear that fading laughter and you will smile. You will be able to move on. You will be able to breathe.
This is Hope. This is Salvation. This. Is. LIFE!

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