Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day of firsts…

So today we went to Frenchman’s Cove for my boyfriend’s birthday. I had a great time, it was my first time driving to country without like ‘adult’ supervision, it was also my first time at Frenchman’s Cove. 
It is a very beautiful place to be. The water is warm, its small and quiet and windy. I had a great time with the love of my life and his friends and of course, MY girlies loool. 
On the ride home, it was rather dark and I started to notice that though I was breathing, I was holding my breath. I was soooo nervous but we got home safely by the Grace of God and the good teachings the drivers got to prepare them.
Upon coming home, I have gotten to realize that when I am away from familiar environments, I am able to relax and just live. As soon as I got home, the anxiety and pressure just fell upon my like a brick waiting for its place.
It’s honestly not a great feeling, it is so overwhelming I am close to tears. But with each breath I take, I remind myself of the great time I had today and that such peacefulness should be able to travel with a person. The joys of being around fun people, should stay with you even when alone. We should be able to be with ourselves who we are with other people. So with each word I type, I feel my muscles loosen and the rhythm of my heart no longer quickens. 
Life is an amazing gift that we should not waste thinking about things that aren’t there. We shouldn’t waste it dwelling on the horrible things that may have happened. Residual feelings have a tendency to be dormant and then they rise when you wish most that they would disappear.
I am not ok, but I am not bad and for that, I give thanks!

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