Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hanging on…

So after watching So You Think You Can Dance yesterday, I have been listening to ‘Hanging on’ by Active Child alot. It had me thinking though… when do we really know to let go and when do we keep hanging on?
A relationship is on the rocks and you have to make a decision, do you continue to fight a battle constantly lost? Do you just decide that enough is enough?
There are some things that I would consider. Things like is he fighting just as hard as I am? Does he love me? Do I love him? Am I doing this because I believe it can work? Or am I just afraid of what will happen when it doesn’t?
Every relationship has its own struggles, some harder than others, but it is up to you and your partner to decide that this is worth it. If its bigger than you think, seek outside help. Therapy is not for the mentally insane or the weak, its for people who are brave enough to realize they need help.
If the relationship means that much to you, you will fight. Sometimes its hard to know when enough is enough, but it will come. Just ensure that in all the struggles, you are able to look at that person and love them, just as they are able to do to u. A relationship isn’t a one woman or one man show, so don’t hold on because you don’t like to fail, or because he/she loves you. You do no one any favours by piting them. Remember that.
Anywho, that was just my little bit, I hope I haven’t offended anyone, just in the mood to write about something. Also, I wasn’t really prepared so it may not be perfect.

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