Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sing me Home’ by Jodi Picoult (Page 58)

I have finished chapter one of ‘Sing me home’ and I must say, this novel started with a bang. There are some many things we are made aware of in this first chapter; which was told from Zoe’s perspective. We have learnt the start of her relationship with Max, as well as how she uses music to help other people.
I think the one thing that has hit me the hardest so far is the stillbirth. I must say that JP has a way of writing about the very things we wish to not think about. Or things that are so controversial people try not to look at the other side of the coin.
This woman, who believes that  the fact that she buried her doll as a child, has cause a karmic effect and that is the reason she is unable to have children. After trying for 9 years, she finally got to 26 weeks, only to go into labour at her bridal shower. By the time she got to the hospital, her baby was dead.
She looks me in the eye, “I’m afraid your baby is dead”. Into the silence rips a sound that makes me let go of Max’s hand and cover my ears. It is like the strafe of a bullet, nails on a chalkboard, promises broken. Its a note I have never heard-this chord of pure pain- and it takes a moment to realize it is coming from me.’

There is something about this excerpt that has me holding my heart as if it were slowly breaking. How does one recover from such pain? Where you got to the point of naming your child and in an instant, that baby is gone… and because you are alive, you are expected to move on.
Well I am not at the point where Max has decided that he is too tired to continue a relationship that is consumed with doctor’s visits and injections. He has gotten to the point where he believe Zoe is more in love with his sperm than he is. He has gotten to the point where he is jealous over something that does not exist.

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